The GTNS races for France are: Trail Napoléon, Grand Trail de Serre-Ponçon, Trail du Canigou and the GTNS FR national final is the Skyrhune.
Runners must participate in at least 1 out of 3 races before the national final to receive his invitation to the GTWS Grand Final after the GTNS FR national final.
Each race (Trail Napoléon, Grand Trail de Serre-Ponçon, Trail du Canigou) will give an invitation to the national final (Skyrhune) to 3 men athletes + 3 women athletes. These 3 invitations will be distributed like this : top 2 M&W + best young runner M&W (under 23 years) (if a youg runner finishes in the top 2, the third slot goes to the next young runner in the race ranking).
If a runner doesn’t succed to get an invitation from a « qualification » race, he will still be able to go to the national final for his own if he took part to at least one race.
The athlete with the most points (best qualifying race result + final) after the national final will be designed as the GTNS France winner!
After the national final, the top 2 M&W + the best young runner (under 23 years) M&W of the GTNS FRA ranking will receive tickets* for the GTNS Grand Final (if a youg runner finishes in the top 2, the third slot goes to the next young runner in the GTNS FRA ranking):
In the event there is a tie:
1- The best place on the GTNS FR final
2- The best place on one of the GTNS FR 2024 qualifying race
3- The second place on one of the GTNS FR 2024 qualifying race
The Grand Final will gather all the different GTNS.
If a runner didn’t got his invitation to the GTNS Grand Final from the national final, he/she can still go at his/her own expense.
The top 2 M&W + the best young runner (under 23 years) from this Grand Final will win a Golden Ticket to participate in the Golden Trail World Series 2025, under the condition that he/she has participated in one of the GTNS 2023.
*Ticket: [race bib]+ [accommodation]+ [transport in the maximum sum specified up to €600 from Europe to Europe and up to €1,500 from overseas]
In the event of race cancellations, the qualifications rules will be revealed to you according to the situation (example: Covid-19 crisis and the 2020 Golden Trail Championship format).
In the event of injury and the inability to compete before the competition, the runner who would have won a ticket for the GTNS Grand Final, or for the GTWS, will not receive any compensation and will lose his/her ticket and will not receive travel expenses.
There is two categories:
The top 2 M&W + best young runner M&W (under 23 years) from each GTNS FR race will receive their tickets* to participate in the GTNS Grand Final.
The top 2 M&W + best young runner M&W (under 23 years) from the GTNS GRAND FINAL will be invited by the GTS to take part in 3 GTWS 2025 races (Golden Ticket 2025).
If an under 23 years athlete is part of the top 2 M&W, he will take the Golden Ticket "scratch" ans will give the opportunity to another under 23 years athlete to get a Golden Ticket.
*Ticket: [race bib]+ [transport, accommodation & meals within the maximum cost defined by the GTWS rules].
Any competitor expressly waives the right to the image during the GOLDEN TRAIL NATIONAL SERIES 2023, as he/she renounces all recourse against the organizer and the authorized partners for the use made of his/her image.
Any use of our photos made by the GTNS photographers are forbidden without the use of our logo and the names of the photographers must be identified in case of a public publication.
If a brand, a partner or an athlete want to use a photo without these conditions she/he/it must contact us to know the terms of using.
In case of non respect of these rules a runner could be disqualified and an invoice could be sent to his/her brand.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act, 6th January 1978, you have the right to access and rectify your personal data. Through us, you may receive proposals from other companies or associations. If you do not want to receive these proposals, please write to us with your full name and address.
La première étape de la GTNS France 2023 a eu lieu sur les pentes du Mont-Ventoux.
Jonathan Albon and Sara Alonso take today’s win, Davide Magnini and Sara Alonso lead the overall ranking!
Le brouillard tarde à se dissiper au-dessus du lac de Guerlédan. Un son amplifié d’une sono lointaine fend la brume qui recouvre le parc de l’Abbaye de Bon Repos. Près de 1 000 vaillants traileurs ont accepté le défi breton du Trail de Guerlédan, deuxième manche de la Golden Trail National Series ; un défi repoussé pour certains depuis deux ans pour raisons sanitaires. Un œil sur la ligne de départ révèle de grands absents : les têtes d’affiche de la première étape – l’Ergysport Trail du Ventoux – n’ont pas fait le déplacement jusqu’en Bretagne, à l’exception de Enzo Ratti (Esprit Volcans - 10e au Ventoux) et Anthony Boucard (Team Moonvalley - 18e). Une startlist qui annonçait donc de beaux combats en course et de belles opportunités à saisir.