In an Instagram post published last week Elhousine Elazzaoui, winner of the Grand Final in Italy last season, explains why he’s once again chosen to focus on the Golden Trail World Series.
6 reasons for one purpose
Elhousine Elazzaoui’s (Morocco) Instagram post is crystal clear: the winner of the GTWS 2023 Grand Final explains that he will be returning to the Golden Trail World Series in 2024 and elaborates on his reasons for his decision via six key points. According to him, six factors that justify why he should return to the Golden Trail Series for the fifth consecutive year.
Here I am talking about part of my plans for the upcoming season.
Once again, I have chosen to focus my main efforts on the Golden Trail Series.
There are several reasons for this...
- The concept of the Golden Trail Series is clear and consistent: It aims to professionalize the world of Trail Running. The organization of the races is top while not putting itself in the middle of the concept but leaving room for the athletes and the races by recognizing their important role,
- The series includes some of the most famous races in the world and includes others to promote the sport of trail running in different countries,
- The level of athletes who participate the series is simply "insane". Thanks to livestreaming, TV coverage and the marketing system, the athletes and races enjoy great visibility,
- The rules are logical and clear. The prizes are fair. Athletes are supported by the organization (travel and expenses) fairly and according to their results,
- The competition system and the finals change and evolve over the years. Because of this, different types of athletes can be favoured for victory,
- The only fixed date is the final: Everyone is free to choose their own schedule depending on their preferences, their willingness to travel and being free to make choices that help athletes prevent injuries.
In the first part of the season, I will join the various stages of the Golden Trail Series giving my best.
This year I will also probably participate in other competitions... I will talk about it later.
See you soon friends!